HANER: Dominion Will Only Build Wind Farm If Risk is on its Consumers

Now comes applicant Dominion Energy Virginia, petitioning the Virginia State Corporation Commission to reverse its recent decision to impose actual financial risk on the company and its stockholders. If a hurricane blows down its planned offshore wind farm in a few years, the related costs should be imposed 100% on its captive ratepayers, Dominion demands. […]


This week we learned that the President of the United Sates had decided—by fiat—that any student earning under $125,000 a year who also has an outstanding student loan debt will not be required to pay it in full. Never mind that some people have already paid off their student loans. They clearly should have delayed doing so. […]

LINGAMFELTER: Who is “Other?”

If you are like many other people, you have come to the realization that the political divide we now witness in America is toxic. E pluribus unum (out of many one), our national motto, in many ways is just a dusty old Latin phrase engraved on emblems and printed on our money. Divide et impera (divide and conquer) seems […]