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Barbara Comstock Battles Big Money From Democrats, Tom Steyer

California billionaire and Democrat megadonor Tom Steyer, announced he will spend $30 million in his effort to win control of the House in the 2018 election cycle, one of his main targets being Virginia’s Congresswoman Barbara Comstock. According to California’s KTLA news station, Steyer is filling the coffers of his youth program, NextGen America, which is set to organize and turn out millennial voters for Democrat candidates with hopes to flip the House majority. The West Coast environmentalist has also vowed to increase his national push to impeach President Donald Trump, funding a $20 million advertising campaign.

Steyer said his efforts of flipping seats in the House will focus on 10 states: Arizona, California, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin. Furthermore, he has singled out three main Republican targets: House Speaker Paul Ryan (WI-1), Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-49), and Congresswoman Barbara Comstock (VA-10). Steyer spent nearly $100 million on organizing efforts during the 2016 campaign for Democrats.

More recently, money from outside Virginia has come to the commonwealth to attempt to upset and influence the opinions and votes that citizens make for their representatives in government. For example, crowdfunding from outside Virginia was an effort to steal the victory from newly-elected State Delegate Emily Brewer (R-64). Steyer’s attempt at influencing an election in Virginia, as a California billionaire, having no vested interest is repugnant.

In quote from the L.A. Times, Steyer said, “If we don’t win on November 6, 2018, we’re screwed.” Of course, Steyer must explain how Americans are screwed as consumer confidence is at an all time high. over 100 American companies have announced wage increases and bonuses. The black unemployment rate is down to 6.8 percent – its lowest on record since 1972. Overall unemployment is down at 4.1 percent. The Dow Jones is over 25,000 points. Companies are announcing building more and more factories in the U.S. and investing billions and billions of dollars in state and local economies. Americans economic growth has been above three percent for the last three quarters.

We’re screwed? Come on Tom…

The Democrats are making a habit out of grabbing money from the hands of big donors. Democrat governor-elect Ralph Northam of Virginia, after calling for sweeping campaign finance reform laws, has been accepting massive donations from corporate entities. According to the Richmond-Times Dispatch, Virginia’s top utility company, Dominion Energy, bankrolled Northam’s inaugural committee with $50,000. The governor-elect’s committee has also received an additional $50,000 from the commonwealth’s tobacco giant Altria, and was given $25,000 each from Anthem, Hunton & Williams, Capital One, and Aetna. Northam has called for a ban on corporate donations in the past; however, that seems to have been pushed off after getting some money in his pocket.

Congresswoman Barbara Comstock is not interested in taking money from people, but is working on giving money back to American taxpayers. She voted in favor of President Donald Trump’s Tax Cut and Job Act which has had numerous favorable effects on the U.S. economy. Hundreds of employers, including Wal-Mart, Wells Fargo, and AT&T are increasing worker’s wages and giving employees bonuses. When those bonuses are paid, they will also be taxed at a much lower rate. She has been truthful to her campaign promises of “fighting for tax relief,” and will continue to sponsor and vote in favor of congressional measures that reduce the burden the federal government has on its citizens.

In December, Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which Barbara Comstock supported. The NDAA provides members of the armed forces a 2.4 percent pay increase, $28 billion in funds to address military readiness with naval, aviation, and ground forces, and fiscally supports troops impacted by PTSD and other traumatic brain injuries and disorders.

According to a press release, Congresswoman Barbara Comstock introduced the METRO Accountability and Reform Act, the largest legislative reform package introduced since the beginning of the organization. Constituents from Virginia’s 10th Congressional District are plagued by gridlock traffic in Northern Virginia. The measure is aimed at mending the commuting problems in the area and will include actions for a full rehabilitation of the Arlington Memorial Bridge which will cost nearly $227 million. The legislation has the backing of over 30 business groups in the 10th District including the Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce, the Loudoun Chamber of Commerce, the Greater McLean Chamber of Commerce, the Prince William County Chamber of Commerce, the Federal City Council, the Greater Washington Board of Trade, among many others.

The two-term incumbent has also battled against sexual harassment in Congress. According to a November report from the Washington Examiner, Congresswoman Barbara Comstock said she is aware of a recent sexual harassment incident in which a sitting member of Congress exposed himself to a female staffer after tricking her into coming over to his residence. “I wanted to close with something that I just had somebody tell me recently. This is about a member who is here now. I don’t know who it is, but somebody who I trust told me this situation,” Comstock said.

Congresswoman Barbara Comstock has helped inspire young women throughout her career. She is involved in the Congressional District Young Women Leadership program in the Northern Virginia area. The program is aimed at pairing young women with leaders in government and others industries that are also women, empowering young minds to think big and act bigger. Furthermore, the Virginia lawmaker sponsored the INSPIRE Women Act, signed in February 2017 by President Trump. The act urges the director of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to encourage women of all ages to pursue careers and apply for educational opportunites in the STEM fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Therefore, if Tom Steyer and Democrats want to get people out office that sponsor legislation to put more money in the pockets of Americans, are sympathetic to those who serve our nation, target lawmakers who are actively preying on young women, and showing those young women a path to which they can obtain a premier education in a high-paying career field, go ahead and embarrass yourselves. The actions of a leader speak louder than words of a malcontent. The actions taken by Congresswoman Barbara Comstock in her years in the House have proven she is a leader whom is essential to the growth of the nation.

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