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BREAKING: House Republicans Pass Voter ID Legislation 52-48

The House of Delegates today passed House Bill 544, allowing voters to secure their own ballots with opt-in photo ID. Under this legislation, voters will be able to tell registrars that their ballot is to be given only to someone who shows photo ID.

“Requiring a photo ID to vote is not only common sense, it’s popular. Some 80 percent of Americans support it,” said House Speaker Todd Gilbert, R-Shenandoah. Making photo ID opt-in gives Virginians who want it an extra layer of security for their ballots. House Bill 544 will help us ensure trust in our elections.”

“While universal photo ID would be preferable, allowing Virginians to opt-in to photo ID will give concerned voters another reassurance that their ballot is secure, and that they and only they will be the ones who cast their vote,” said Del. Amanda Batten, R-James City County, the bill’s patron. “It’s a common-sense, no-cost way to build trust.”

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