The Republican Standard

CNU Wason: Northam +7 In Yet Another Flawed Poll

The CNU Wason Center comes out with numbers inexplicably showing a 3 point bump for the embattled Democratic gubernatorial nominee Ralph Northam at a moment where both sides are pouring millions into the race.

The explanation?  A “Trump effect” that is demonstrated by…. ?

The poll never explains.  Nor does it divulge numbers on where Trump’s approval rating stands (most Virginia polls have put Trump between 39-42%).  Given that CNU Wason has revealed this number practically every other occasion, one assumes that the number was such an outlier that they felt it would damage the credibility of the poll.

If the explanation is that Trump tweeted three times in favor of Gillespie, that strikes one as a rather flimsy argument.  No serious policy arguments have occurred over the last two weeks; no serious engagements or appearances that would move the marker in favor of either candidate; there’s simply no evidence that would suggest that sort of shift.

CNU Wason’s numbers stand in stark contrast to Hampton University’s poll, which used very similar numbers and produced a completely opposite result.

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