The Republican Standard

Fairfax, LIUNA Highlight The Democrats’ War On Blue Collar America

The Democratic Party has finally made its decision on where it prefers to see the economy go.

Clearly, they want high tech, white collar jobs over blue collar Mike Rowe type “dirty jobs” like welders, pipe fitters, truck drivers, fork lift operators, and heavy equipment operators.

Witness how quickly all the Democrats are falling over each other to show Virginia off in order to lure Amazon here. This second North American headquarters has been reported to be creating in their future over 50,000 direct jobs and thousands more indirectly.

Even better these are high paying jobs with salaries reportedly averaging over $100,000 a year. Benefits not included in that either!

It’s a big deal and no one is opposing it, right?  Nope. Everyone is on board.

But where are the Democrats when it comes to supporting blue collar jobs that also pay over $100,000 a year that will actually bring the energy necessary to power this anticipated job and population growth attributable to Amazon?

They will quickly reply that Amazon will be solar powered. That is correct. On sunny days, solar power will power the Amazon facilities…

What about the power for the homes of their employees? What about the gasoline for their cars? What about the diesel to fuel the trucks that bring in the food and supplies for that economic growth?

Democrats, who are increasingly advancing so far left so quickly, refuse to acknowledge that great paying jobs in all sectors are good for all of us. Not just the elite academically qualified kids pulling around tens of thousands in student debt — but all Americans (and certainly all Virginians).

Why do Democrats discriminate so obviously against blue collar jobs that also produce an economic good?

The answer is more straightforward than folks want to hear: Democrats don’t respect those workers because they no longer come from the “coalition of the aspirant” huddled in coffee shops and wearing skinny jeans.

Democrats come from suburban neighborhoods where they only respect and value jobs that come with advanced diplomas in higher education.  Blue collar jobs?  They unclog the toilet.

Donald Trump tapped into this division brilliantly in 2015 and 2016.  The blue collar American worker is no longer socially welcome in the Democratic party because they don’t come with academic degrees the coastal elites value.

This is why LiUNA pulled Lieutenant Governor Candidate Justin Fairfax off their campaign literature.

It’s not because he’s black (though let’s face it, this is not the first or second time the Democratic establishment has put Fairfax out in the cold). Rather, it is because Fairfax doesn’t support the jobs LiUNA members need with the construction of the natural gas pipelines.

Democrats want the comfortable jobs inside the building and look down their noses at those hard working folks on the outside of the buildings.  LiUNA knows this… hence the nature of their demand to take Fairfax off the Democratic literature.

Regardless of Northam’s weakness as a party leader — that’s is the true nature of the dispute here from the perspective of blue collar labor Democrats… once the backbone of the party, now a mere appendage.

Perhaps Democrats should just be more honest with those workers. They really don’t want blue collar jobs to exist, they just want blue collar votes. LiUNA just called them out on it.

Good for them.

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