The Republican Standard

GOCHENOUR: Dare To Serve

Within every child of God, life’s greatest motivator enables the acceleration of human progress through our collective power to dream. To wield this power at its most poignant is to dream beyond our selfish desires towards the greater purpose of humankind.

A simple premise reduced from the chapters of history: that the chords of our mutual success reverberate most harmoniously when we seek to render aide to each other; with each well intentioned deed further lightening the greater burden of society.

Thus, no longer shall we merely dare to dream, let us dare to serve. As a Nation, we dare to serve to sustain our youthful dedication to the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

As mothers and fathers, sons and daughters we dare to serve our families when we commit to share in the eternal bonds of unconditional love.

When we dream with our eyes open, we are reminded we have much work here to do in this country: To overcome the harbors of hate and violence that threaten our would-be peace, to rid her people of the savages of poverty and inequality, and to fulfill the promise of the virtues of justice, health, safety, and liberty.

Like the brightest web of stars across the night sky, in all corners of America stewards of man are called to pledge their fortunes. Called by compassion, to develop their God-given talent so as to serve as they have been intended.

As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. articulated, “Everyone can be great because anyone can serve… You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”

We hold in our hands for the benefit of all mankind, a humble hope.

Let’s devote ourselves to what has been enshrined in the scriptures of old and dare to serve, “peace on Earth, good will toward men.”

If we honor this dictum, as children of God, in our towns and cities, together across this Nation, future generations will burn ever brighter with the enduring spirit of generosity.

With every turn of the Earth, each celestial climb of the western welkin, we will accomplish the future our posterity requires. May they always dream, eyes open; poised to serve.

J. Parker Gochenour is a graduate of the University of Virginia and University of Virginia School of Law. He is the former Chairman of the Republican Party for Page County, Virginia. He currently lives in Oklahoma.

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