The Republican Standard

HAZEKAMP: Republicans Can Win Back The 7th

VA-07 Republican Nominee Yesli Vega. Photo courtesy of the Vega campaign, @yestoyesli on Twitter.

Yesli Vega, our Republican nominee, is the right choice for Virginia’s 7th Congressional District. She is the woman that we know can defeat liberal Democrat Abigail Spanberger this November. With her experience as a deputy sheriff, Vega is no stranger to fighting for and defending our community every single day. She is a woman who stands strong on the issues facing Virginians, such as combating high gas prices, rising inflation, and local crises.

Unfortunately, our current congresswoman, Abigail Spanberger, would rather focus on partisan politics and playing political games. We need a leader who can get real results for the 7th District. Vega has a long record of focusing on changes that impact Virginians in her district as a supervisor, while Spanberger has a history of abandoning her district in favor of following the lead of President Biden and Speaker Pelosi.

At this point, I think we are all tired of Spanberger not producing results that help our lives and our families. Around every corner is another vote for a Biden policy that harms Virginians. Her record of voting 100% with the Biden-Pelosi agenda is staggering. It’s time we elect someone who is more action than talk. And as we’ve seen after her two terms in office, we can’t trust her to represent us. The voters have woken up to this reality, and we are confident that will propel Vega to victory in November.

Aside from Spanberger’s admittedly disastrous record, Vega’s list of accomplishments stands on its own two feet. While on the Prince William County Board of Supervisors, Vega has delivered on many promises such as fighting against overdevelopment of big tech and data centers within the boundaries of Manassas Battlefield.

She championed reduced property taxes, served as a beacon of government transparency, efficiency, and fiscal responsibility. She went on to lead the fight to preserve Prince William County’s life-saving 287(g) agreement with Immigration and Customs Enforcement. It was her work on fighting eminent domain abuse that protected the homes of many low-income residents from the threats facing them. If Vega can produce a fraction of the results in Congress that she has in Prince William County, she will have accomplished more than Spanberger even attempted.

President Biden and his Democratic allies in Congress like Spanberger have taken policy positions that have dragged down our economy and burdened our families. There are individuals from all walks of life struggling—struggling at the pump, struggling in the aisles of the grocery store, or simply struggling to support their families under the crushing weight of inflation. They are hurting, and the far left seems to have blinders on. It’s tough to defend, and frankly, the voters have started to realize who Spanberger truly represents. This is the start of the red wave, as people all over the country realize their Democratic elected officials aren’t fighting for them.

The 7th District election will be one of the most competitive in the country this year, and it will serve as the running start to Republicans retaking the majority in Congress. The case laid out for Vega is a strong one, and the voters have picked up on the fact that she is the essential change we need in our Commonwealth and country.

This November, the 7th District will welcome many new voters who may not be familiar with Congresswoman Spanberger’s record, thanks to redistricting. This will certainly be a reality check for her when voters who don’t know her take a hard look at her record.

If the current attacks against Vega are any indicator, Spanberger doesn’t have much of a leg to stand on in defending her own record. With a large part of Prince William County joining the 7th District, Vega’s service as a deputy sheriff will mean that she has relationships and inroads in the community that Spanberger cannot replicate.

All in all, with Spanberger’s record as it stands, and Vega’s long history of getting results for the people she represents, it looks like our current congresswoman is in trouble. We must see a change this November, and it is imperative that we get out and vote—early in-person voting has begun—go to your general registrar’s office for the jurisdiction in which you are registered for more information.

Ben Hazekamp is chairman of the 7th Congressional District Republican Committee. This piece originally appeared in The Free Lance-Star. 



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