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House Dems Slam Dominion While Northam Invests In Dominion

The Washington Post (D-Virginia) recently reported that Lt. Governor Ralph Northam owns Dominion Energy stock.

Can you imagine how the 46 Democratic candidates for the House of Delegates took the news?

We’re sure they were mortified, but in the end they have no choice but to campaign alongside their party’s de facto leader — since they want to win (hypothetically).

Maybe those House candidates really do oppose Dominion’s efforts to keep the lights on, the iPhones charged, and the hope of one day owning a zero emissions electric engine autonomous vehicle?

Maybe those House candidates can’t bring themselves to understand one thing — the money that that are receiving from the House Democratic Caucus and Democratic Party of Virginia includes Dominion Energy money.

If they were truly as pure and noble and caring about the environment as they pretend to be, they could simply own up to the complexity of politics so they can keep the money.

…or they can do the honorable thing and send the money back to the Caucus and DPVA. They can be extra pure and stop campaigning for the statewide ticket headed by Dominion stockholder Northam.

Let’s face it, you’re either for the environment or you’re not.

This is a time for choosing.

One might reasonably conclude that it is a safe bet that the Democratic candidates prefer to take the money and trying to win with it while campaigning against it.

It’s okay for the House Democratic challengers to be hypocrites.  But it’s time to choose.  Hard socialist left or center left vanishing Democrat?

Bernie or Hillary?

Sell the stock or keep the stock, that is the question…

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