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Katie Couric’s Stark Warning: Dems Losing Grip On The Working Class

Katie Couric, former host of the “Today” show, is sounding the alarm about the Democratic Party losing touch with working-class voters. On her “Hysteria” podcast, she emphasized that Democrats need to “do better” to connect with everyday Americans. This episode featured Alyssa Mastromonaco, former White House deputy chief of staff, and delved into why Democrats have struggled to maintain support from the working class.

The Shift Since 2016

Couric pointed to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign against Donald Trump as the turning point. Clinton’s infamous “basket of deplorables” remark sparked outrage and is often cited as a critical moment that helped Trump secure his unexpected victory. Couric warned that the Democrats face a similar fate if they don’t reestablish a stronger connection with working-class voters by November. She asserts, “The Democrats have kind of lost the working class,” a sentiment she believes was not the case during her years covering politics.

Republican Renaissance with “Regular Joes”

Couric also highlighted a growing perception that Republicans are more attuned to “dinner table issues” than Democrats. She referenced Sean O’Brien, the head of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, who spoke at the Republican National Convention. O’Brien criticized major corporations and the government for ignoring workers’ needs, stating, “The American people aren’t stupid; they know the system is broken.” He praised Trump as a candidate willing to listen to new voices, framing him as resilient after surviving an assassination attempt.

Democratic Strategy Moving Forward

In Couric’s view, the Democratic Party must not abandon the working-class demographic. She urges them to communicate clearly that they understand and care about the struggles faced by blue-collar workers. This could mean engaging more directly with these communities and demonstrating genuine commitment to their issues. Couric suggests that Vice President Kamala Harris, for instance, should get more involved with “regular Joes,” even suggesting she metaphorically “put on a welding hat” to resonate with the working class.

Endorsements and Election Stakes

Harris does have some backing from working-class organizations. The United Auto Workers (UAW) recently endorsed her, emphasizing her supposed commitment to a pro-working-class agenda. UAW President Shawn Fain highlighted the need to defeat Trump and support Harris, arguing that she stands with workers against corporate greed. The UAW’s endorsement is crucial for any candidate aiming to win Michigan, a key battleground state.

On a broader level, Couric’s discussion underscored a critical challenge for Democrats: rebuilding trust and connections with the culturally conservative, economically liberal working class. As the election approaches, addressing this will be a critical task if they hopr to regain the initiative with this crucial voter base.

For those interested in Couric’s complete insights, you can listen to the full “Hysteria” podcast episode here.

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