Former Delegate Scott Lingamfelter is wasting no time demonstrating his foreign policy chops, as the former U.S. Army colonel opines in the pages of the Washington Times on the overwhelming positives of President Donald Trump’s approaches towards Hermit Kingdom:
The evidence is clear. Mr. Trump is not satisfied with the meandering and tepid efforts that have typified years of failed American diplomacy. He has been tough on trade, particularly with China. He has chastised European members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) for reneging on monetary support for the alliance, while rebuking them publicly on their own immigration policies. He has moved indefatigably to crush ISIS, and he has punished Syria for its use of chemical weapons on innocent civilians. The man has a bias for action and more lies ahead for the U.S., particularly in the Middle East.
A bias for action — we’ll take that.