The Republican Standard

Loupassi Asks For Recount In HOD-68

With the Democrats pulling out all the stops to try to flip the House of Delegates by any means, it seems as if recounts are in vogue.

Delegate Manoli Loupassi — who lost by 336 votes — doesn’t want to be left on the outside of the mad dash for recounts.  From the Washington Post:

Democrats have asked for recounts in two close races, and at least one more request could be on the way, leaving open the possibility of a shift in power.

Del. G. Manoli Loupassi became the first Republican to ask for a recount Thursday night, filing suit in his loss to Democrat Dawn Adams in the 68th House of Delegates District, covering part of Richmond and suburban Chesterfield County.

Adams, a nurse practitioner who would be the first open lesbian to serve in the Virginia legislature, won by a margin of 336 votes out of more than 39,000 votes cast.

Virginia Democrats have yet to determine whether they will conduct a recount in HOD-28, where Bill Thomas edged out Democrat Joshua Cole with 82 votes.

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