After spending many millions of dollars attacking and criticizing the lobbying career of Ed Gilliespie, Ralph Northam wasted no time in becoming Hypocrite-in-chief by hiring a lobbyist to head his transition team.
“The transition team that will help Northam form a Cabinet before his inauguration in January will be led by Marianne Radcliff, a veteran of multiple administrations who now works as a lobbyist for Kemper Consulting.” (Richmond Times Dispatch)
No criticism here for Ms. Radcliff. I’m sure she’s a fine talent and excellent person. But I didn’t spend the last six months bashing lobbyists.
There’s an air of cynical depression in a move like this, after rallying thousands of voters to reject Gillespie because of his career choice, especially since the lobbying firm in question favored uranium mining, which Northam said he opposed.
After a campaign attacking Gillespie for lobbying for his clients, it looks like Northam doesn’t mind colluding with lobbyists himself.
Oh, and don’t think we didn’t notice liberal Ralph choosing the President of the Virginia AFL-CIO to join his lobbyist-led transition team. Want to guess what that means for the future of Virginia’s Right-to-Work?
Even Terry McAuliffe didn’t load up his transition team with lobbyists and union chiefs.
Looks like the swamp to me.