The Republican Standard

Not In Our America, Ralph

The first thing that comes to mind watching this horrific ad?  These had to be almost precisely what Nabra Hassanen’s terrifying last moments were as she was chased down, beaten, and then raped by MS-13 gang members.

More to the point?  This is the clearest signal yet that embattled Democratic nominee Ralph Northam is not only behind… Northam has given up on his gubernatorial bid.

Just in case one wants to see what collusion looks like, here is the messaging from the Northam campaign itself last week to voters in Northern Virginia:

…and here is what CNN contributors were sharing on social media last week as well:

…and now this ad once again in the closing days of the Northam campaign.

Northam has given up on his gubernatorial bid.

One truly has to be at a loss for words regarding the obtuseness of this advertisement.

More to the point?  I have personally spent the better part of three years fighting the Alt-Right, rejecting their candidates, rejecting their rhetoric, educating others about their true motives and their connections.

To lump every conservative and every Republican as a Citronella Nazi looking to round up brown people?  It’s not just offensive, it’s obscene.

UPDATE: Not that I want to give these clowns any more attention than they deserve, but here’s their version of reasoned, rational debate:

Who are these guys again?

You guessed it — a George Soros passthrough. 

UPDATE x2: LVFPAC took down the much-criticized advertisement on YouTube after an ocean of complaints demonstrated that the ad had not only backfired, but may have conceded the race to Republican challenger Ed Gillespie.  TRS was able to obtain a copy of the advertisement.

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