The Republican Standard

Planned Parenthood CEO: Proudest Moment is Forcing Christians to Pay for Abortion Drugs

Cecile Richards doesn’t waste any time spiking the football, now does she?  Per the good folks over at Life News:

In her latest interview, Richards revealed her proudest moment on the job – forcing Christians to pay for contraception, including methods that many say can cause early abortions.

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Richards is talking about the HHS Mandate requ, which Christian organizations and businesses have had to challenge all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. As Richards noted, abortion activists used their influence to force religious employers – including nuns – to pay for abortion-causing drugs in employee health plans through HHS.

More like spiking a dead baby — but of course, it is far more lucrative to carve that baby into six pieces and sell their body parts on the market.  Waste not, want not…

Read it all.

One really hates to use the word “satanic” to describe the utter glee Richards and her ilk express at every abortion… but there it is, nonetheless.

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