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Remso Republic Podcast: Stephanie Hamill Discusses Truth In Journalism

El Chapo, Sean Penn, Roy Moore, Oh my! Citizen journalism is great until it runs amok and everyone starts screaming “fake news!” and in this episode we break down the evolution of today’s media environment to understand where we are and how we got here, and we found the perfect person to discuss that with, One America News’ Stephanie Hamill!

Stephanie Hamill currently serves as political reporter/commentator and producer of the “Daily Ledger Show”, on The One America News Network. This program is the only daily national Constitutionally conservative cable TV program that dissects and analyzes political news of the day. Stephanie joined OANN in June of 2013, a month before the official launch of the network.

Before joining OANN, Stephanie served as a general assignment reporter and anchor for KSWT NEWS 13, a CBS affiliate. KSWT served an area encompassing portions of two countries, including parts of two American states, Arizona and California, and two Mexican states, Baja California and Sonora. Stephanie covered breaking news and reported on location from various events.

Learn more at Stephanie’s Facebook page and website.

Listen to the show below:

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After The Show Notes:

-Here is the trailer for “The Day I Met El Chapo” available on Netflix.

-The hilarious commercial put out by the fake news factory known as CNN.

-The “Trump rampage” terrorist attack via Newsbusters.

-Wanna discover the virtue signaling perverts in the liberal media? Check out the “Shitty Men in Media List” via Cerno.

-My advice for future citizen journalists via Remso Republic.

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