The Republican Standard

RNC Continues To Hammer Tim Kaine on Taxes, Economic Growth

The Republican National Committee is still having a field day with the success of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Specifically, they’re launching press releases just about any time that some firm announces higher wages, better benefits, or capital investment thanks to lower taxes — and gleefully pointing out how Democrats, including Tim Kaine fought it tooth and nail.

Today’s announcement from FedEx of billions of dollars in new investments in employees and capital is no exception.

RNC pointed out that Tim Kaine is no fan of tax reform, but they were kind enough to send him a note refreshing his memory — pointing out that he’s voted against every bigger paycheck, every capital investment, and every new hire made possible by the tax cut.

Given the fact that the American economy is roaring back to life under the Trump administration, the long torpor of Obama-era malaise has finally snapped.

Either way, with the generic congressional ballot narrowing to D+5 in recent weeks according to CNN, Kaine’s decision to go full bore progressive might work well in Washington… but it sounds awfully obtuse back home in Virginia.

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