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Speaker Johnson Demands Biden Resign Now – Legal Storm Brewing?

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) has responded vehemently to President Biden’s recent declaration that he will not seek reelection, instead endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris to be the Democratic Party’s nominee.

Taking to X, Johnson lambasted Biden and the Democratic Party in a series of posts:

Democrats have been complicit in the largest political cover-up in history. They have known for a long while that Joe Biden was not capable of holding his office.
At this stage, it doesn’t matter who President Trump runs against. The American people will hold every Democrat accountable for this and the disastrous Biden/Harris administration.
We will fix this mess after the November election, when we grow our House majority, flip the Senate, and re-elect President Trump.”

In a subsequent post, Johnson intensified his demand:

If Joe Biden is not fit to run for President, he is not fit to serve as President. He must resign the office immediately. November 5 cannot arrive soon enough.

Johnson also predicted legal challenges for the Democrats before Biden’s announcement.

The Hill reports on the potential fights over ballot access:

A rising number of Democrats have called on Biden to leave the campaign and make way for a different presidential nominee. While many in the party appear to have coalesced around Vice President Harris, it’s unclear if a new ticket would easily make the ballot in all 50 states.

“[Democrats] have real problems, I mean, every state has their own election system. That’s our constitutional system,” Johnson said in a CNN “State of the Union” interview with Jake Tapper on Sunday. “That’s the way it’s done. And in some of these states, it’s a real hurdle.”

Joe Biden was chosen after a long, small-D democratic process by 14 million people emerging through that primary,” he continued. “It will be very interesting to see if the so-called party of democracy, the Democrats, go into a backroom somewhere and switch it out and put someone else at the top of the ticket.”

Push for the 25th Amendment

Other prominent Republicans are advocating for the invocation of the 25th Amendment if Biden refuses to step down. The 25th Amendment allows the vice president and a majority of the cabinet to declare the president unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, which would then temporarily transfer presidential authority to the vice president.

A Brewing Constitutional Crisis?

Critics argue that Biden’s decision to forgo reelection raises questions about his ability to serve out his term. They state the Democratic Party has effectively created a 25th Amendment crisis by sidestepping primary challenges and debates, thereby shielding Biden from scrutiny.

A Flawed Primary Process?

This situation casts a spotlight on the Democratic Party’s handling of the primary process. By avoiding a prolonged primary campaign, critics argue the party deprived voters of the opportunity to evaluate potential candidates thoroughly.

Speculations and Theories

Talk radio host Clay Travis speculated that top Democrats pressured Biden into withdrawing, possibly with promises of allowing him to finish his term and substantial financial incentives. Similarly, commentator Mark Halperin revealed on Thursday that Biden’s anticipated decision this weekend followed weeks of pressure from key Democratic figures, suggesting that internal party dynamics played a significant role.

This article originally appeared on American Liberty News. Republished with permission.

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