The Republican Standard

States One Step Closer to Amending the Constitution

Tony Webster from Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States via Wikimedia Commons

The Nebraska legislature has added the Cornhusker State to the list of states fighting an asymmetric war against the expansive federal government.

With the news out of Lincoln, 17 states have passed a resolution calling for a convention of states.

Their attempt to undo decades of government overreach is unprecedented, as Fox News’ Teny Sahakian explains:

The Nebraska Legislature passed a resolution Jan. 28 calling on states to begin the formal process to pass constitutional amendments that would limit the federal government’s spending and jurisdiction, as well as set term limits for members of Congress.

“What’s driving this as much as anything is overreach on the part of the federal government,” Nebraska state Sen. Steve Halloran, who sponsored the resolution, told Fox News.

“The Founding Fathers had anxiety that that might happen,” he said. “I don’t believe they imagined that it would get to this point.”

Under Article V of the Constitution, state legislatures can bypass Congress to propose and vote on constitutional amendments through a convention of states.

Thirty-eight states are needed to ratify an amendment. Besides Nebraska — Georgia, Alaska, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, Indiana, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arizona, North Dakota, Texas, Missouri, Arkansas, Utah, Mississippi and Wisconsin have passed a convention of states resolution.

A convention of states application has passed one chamber in the following states: Iowa, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Carolina, South Dakota, Virginia and West Virginia.

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