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Trump Campaign Sends Cease And Desist Letter To Bob Good

The Trump campaign has had enough of House Freedom Caucus Chairman Bob Good’s campaign for reelection.

It is threatening legal action over campaign signs featuring Good and Trump’s names in what has become one of the most fiercely contested Republican primaries this cycle.

Good, a Virginia Republican and unabashed conservative, apparently incurred Donald Trump’s wrath by endorsing Ron DeSantis in what turned out to be a surprisingly one-sided GOP presidential primary season. Despite the congressman’s prompt endorsement of Trump after DeSantis’ suspended his campaign and Good’s decision to attend Trump’s trial, the former president criticized Good on Truth Social and endorsed Virginia State Sen. John McGuire III in the June 18 Republican primary in Virginia’s 5th Congressional District.

Four days after McGuire received the coveted endorsement from Trump, his presidential campaign fired off a cease and desist letter to Good’s campaign.

Bearing Drift’s Lynn R. Mitchell obtained a copy of the letter, emphasizing its terse subject line:

Dated May 29, the letter noted, “Re: Cease and Desist Falsely Implying that President Donald J. Trump has Endorsed You.”

“Our Firm represents President Donald J. Trump (‘President Trump’) and President Trump’s 2024 campaign, Donald J. Trump for President 2024, Inc. (the ‘Campaign’),” the letter began. “It has come to our attention that your campaign is producing yard signs purporting to indicate President Trump’s endorsement of your candidacy.”

“You know that is false. In fact, President Trump has endorsed your opponent, John McGuire.” 

After stating that neither he nor his campaign is authorized to use Trump’s name, the letter accuses Good of fraud by abusing voters’ trust.

“We demand that you immediately cease and desist producing and displaying materials that falsely imply that President Trump endorses you or is any way supportive of your campaign,” it concludes.

The Republican primary in Virginia’s 5th Congressional District is set for Tuesday, June 18.

(H/T Bearing Drift)

This article first appeared in American Liberty News. Republished with permission. 

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