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Trump Deserves High Praise For Keeping America Safe


. The left and its allies in the mainstream media have been bashing former President  mercilessly in recent months, most noticeably focusing on the sham Democrat-fabricated show trials Trump is currently facing.

Their aim is to make Trump a convicted criminal or at least appear to be one.

But some Republican lawmakers are fed up and want to reward Trump for all the good he has done for the country, especially regarding our security and diplomatic relations during his first term.

How would they do this? By giving Trump a Congressional Gold Medal for keeping America safe during his term.

Alongside the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which  has given out like candy to fellow Democrats, the Congressional Gold Medal is the highest civilian award in the U.S.

According to  Digital, Rep. , R-Fla., is leading a congressional resolution to bestow the honor on Trump “in recognition of his exceptional leadership and dedication to strengthening America’s diplomatic relations during his presidency.”

The resolution is backed by six fellow , including House GOP Deputy Whip Guy Reschenthaler of Pennsylvania, and Reps. Lauren Boebert of , Andy Ogles of Tennessee, Randy Weber of  and Mike Waltz of Florida.

Rep. Luna told Fox News Digital:

President Trump’s fearless leadership reestablished America as a respected and admired global power. It is time we recognize a president who put our country first and secured global peace through bold diplomacy. Despite the liberal media’s attempts to spread fear, America and the world were undoubtedly safer under President Donald Trump.

Fox added:

Notably, it is also co-sponsored by House Freedom Caucus Chairman Bob Good, R-Va., who had a rocky relationship with some members of Trump’s orbit earlier this year. Good originally endorsed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for president before backing Trump when the former dropped out. He has since emphatically thrown himself behind the ex-president’s re-election bid.

The outlet also quoted Rep. Good as saying:

President Trump did more in four years on behalf of the American people than any president in my lifetime. He secured our border, achieved historic peace in the Middle East, and implemented policies that helped our  prosper. The last three years of a failed  have only served as a stark contrast to President Trump’s record.

While it is highly unlikely that the Democrat-controlled Senate will take up the bill, it is well deserved. History and facts favor Trump deserving the award. America was much safer and more secure under Trump.

Any idiot can see that.

As the resolution reads:

(3) On June 30, 2019, President Trump made history by becoming the first sitting United States President to cross into North Korea for a meeting with Kim Jong Un in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea.

(4) During this visit, President Trump facilitated an unprecedented brief meeting between Kim Jong Un and South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in. During his conversations, President Trump worked to resume stalled nuclear talks and expressed hope for peace between North and South Korea.

(5) On September 15, 2020, President Trump established historic diplomatic relations between Israel and its neighbors in the Middle East through the Abraham Accords.

(6) The Abraham Accords were a series of agreements to normalize relations between Israel and its regional neighbors. The Abraham Accords consisted of a general declaration that recognized the importance of maintaining and strengthening peace in the Middle East.

Let’s also recall Trump’s neutralizing Iran’s terror chief with a drone strike and facing down China. But as the resolution also points out: “The greatest of President Trump’s foreign policy achievements was that no wars were started while he was in office.”

I don’t know about you, but compared to the multiple wars we are now facing, that deserves a medal.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of  The Republican Standard. It first appeared in American Liberty News.

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