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Virginia Voter Surge: Registration Soars 35% With Harris Leading The Ticket


8News in Richmond reports that voter registration is up over 35% week over week in Virginia with Vice President Kamala Harris now leading the Democratic Party ticket.

Data from the Virginia Department of Elections “shows that on Monday, July 22, and Tuesday, July 23, the first two full days of Harris’s campaign, 4,899 Virginians registered to vote, a 38.5% increase over the same time the week before.”

“Particularly Democrats are excited that there is a new face to the party, a new candidate that doesn’t have the age baggage that Joe Biden had,” remarked 8News Political Analyst Rich Meagher.

Meagher says although we know nothing about those who have recently registered to vote, given the party’s perceived excitement following President Biden’s decision to step aside, Democrats have reasons to be encouraged.

“New registrations reflect either people who felt left out of the process and are now either excited to vote for or against Harris or they are younger voters who maybe were sitting out or didn’t see a reason to join in because Joe Biden was running and now they are excited because there of this new person, this new face in the race,” said Meagher.

It’s not just Virginia that is seeing an increase in voter registration since President Biden decided to step aside., a non-profit group that works to increase voter turnout, says they have seen a 700% increase in the number of people registering to vote nationwide.

Need to confirm you’re a registered voter in Virginia? Check online at the Virginia Department of Elections.

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