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CAUGHT ON TAPE: VA-07 Dem. Nominee Vindman Refuses To Answer Critical Question


In the two weeks since Donald Trump and Joe Biden debated for the whole world to see, many Congressional Democrat incumbents and nominees have been asked whether or not they support Joe Biden.

In Virginia, reactions have been mixed. Some such as Rep. Gerry Connolly and Sen. Mark Warner were not impressed by the President’s performance.

Others such as Congressman Bobby Scott and VA-10 Democrat nominee and current State Senator Suhas Subramanyam have said they’re all in on Biden.

One Democrat who has refused to answer this question in DC’s hand-picked Democrat nominee in VA-07, Eugene Vindman.


Multiple videos shared by Republican accounts this week show Vindman’s refusal to answer, such as this one from the NRCC:

Another such video was shared by the Virginia GOP:

Should voters trust him in regards to anything he says, if they can’t get an answer from him on this crucial question?

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