The Republican Standard
- July 20, 2022
331 views 5 min

Virginia had the most representatives voting “nay” on Monday against a resolution supporting adding Sweden and Finland to NATO. The resolution passed with 394 votes in favor, just 18 votes against, all Republican, and 19 members not voting. Three of Virginia’s four Republican congressmen voted against the measure: Congressmen Morgan Griffith (R-VA-09), Bob Good (R-VA-05), and Ben […]

Eric Burk is a reporter at The Virginia Star and The Star News Network. ...
The Republican Standard
- March 30, 2022
249 views 50 sec

On Monday, President Biden unveiled his budget for 2023, totaling $5.8 trillion. The plan proposes billions allocated to confront Russian aggression, a new tax on the wealthiest Americans, $32 billion in new spending for law enforcement, and slashing the nation’s deficit by more than $1 trillion over the next decade. Now, Virginia lawmakers are weighing […]