CORTEZ: Examining the Politically Alive and Possibly Dead

With total disclosure (As an independent voting Trump and Gov. Glenn Youngkin presidential and gubernatorial appointee), pre-debate polling showing President Joe Biden and former President Trump tied at 48%, was to the former president’s advantage. That advantage has grown due to the debate performance of a cognitively impaired 81-year-old senior citizen, more curmudgeon than Commander […]

OF COURSE the Ten Commandments Belong in Classrooms

“The Jews believed themselves created and commanded to be a light to the gentiles and they have obeyed to the best of their considerable powers. The results, whether considered in religious or in secular terms, have been remarkable. The Jews gave to the world ethical monotheism, which might be described as the application of reason […]

WINNERS AND LOSERS: 2024 Primary Edition

Endorsements matter in low turnout elections. Whether Virginia joins the GOP column in 2024 depends on whether black and Hispanic voters come home.

Endorsements matter in low turnout elections. Whether Virginia joins the GOP column in 2024 depends on whether black and Hispanic voters come home.

HANER: The Virginia Clean Economy Act Back Under Legislative Microscope

A senior Democratic state senator is leading an effort to review and possibly revise the 2020 Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA), which orders the future elimination of hydrocarbon fuels (oil, natural gas, and coal) used in making electricity. His goal is to conduct a stakeholder process and bring legislation to the 2025 General Assembly. Before delving into […]

DAVIS: Government Limits, Parents’ Responsibilities

School districts are set to act on smartphone bans. That’s good. But failing to define what problem they hope to address means smartphone bans could fail before they’re ever implemented. Tonight, Fredericksburg City Schools looks to become another in the line of divisions regionally and across the nation to join the smartphone-ban movement. Huzzah! Now watch those […]

HANER: Virginia Declares Independence from California EV Mandates

As with the dispute over RGGI, the bottom line is this issue will be back in front of the voters when a new governor and new House of Delegates are chosen in 2025.

As with the dispute over RGGI, the bottom line is this issue will be back in front of the voters when a new governor and new House of Delegates are chosen in 2025.

LEAHY: Incremental Changes Could Save Taxpayers Billions In Entitlements

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has released its 2024 annual report with the promising title of how the government can “reduce fragmentation, overlap, and duplication and achieve billions of dollars in financial benefits.” Sounds promising. And given the agency’s examples, there are millions of dollars in savings just waiting to be claimed at various agencies. […]

LEAHY: The Billion-Dollar Biofuel Fraud Epidemic Gets Exposed

Governments have traditionally relied on a mixture of carrots and sticks to get people to obey laws or engage in (or avoid) certain behaviors. A third way the government attempts to get people to do what it wants is called a “nudge.” It’s a popular tool for enticing people to jump on the energy-saving bandwagon, […]