Recently North Carolina passed a bill to prevent abortions after 12 weeks. This new law may save many lives in North Carolina, but most abortions actually happen earlier in the first weeks of pregnancy.
Now Virginia Democrats are announcing that their intention to make Virginia a destination state for abortions. In the upcoming 2023 elections they must hold the Senate and gain the House of Delegates in order to turn Virginia into a place where unlimited abortions are available and paid for with our taxes.
It is tragic that the Democrats in Virginia are prepared to make Virginia a destination state for abortions on demand through all nine months of pregnancy. It is infuriating that they have opposed ever rational bill that has come out of the House of Delegates during the last two General Assembly sessions. They have even announced their desire to enshrine a permanent, unrestricted “Right to Abortion” into the Virginia Constitution.
In polling done earlier this year by McLaughlin and Associates 70% of respondents stated that abortion should only be legal under very limited circumstances, including the life of the mother or rape and incest with reporting. Less than 5% of abortions are done in the USA for those reasons. Another 60% oppose using tax dollars to fund abortions.
Pro-life Republicans are committed to passing reasonable laws on abortion, including the bill to protect unborn babies who can feel pain and a bill to provide medical care to babies who survive an abortion. Radical pro-abortion members of the Virginia Senate, led by Sen Louise Lucas, blocked every rational pro-life bill that came out of the House of Delegates.
Virginia Democrats are way out of step with most Virginians and are only committed to the abortion groups that fund so many of them. Abortion with no limits does not help women and it kills their babies. It is not good medicine or real health care. Tragically, it is big business in Virginia now.
It is up to Virginia voters to stop this dangerous agenda.