“The people have spoken.”
John McGuire declared victory over House Freedom Caucus Chair Bob Good (R-Va.) Tuesday evening, despite only leading by approximately 300 votes.

While the race was too close to call and votes will not be counted on Wednesday due to a federal holiday, the Trump-endorsed candidate did not shy away from delivering a victory speech.
CNN’s John Berman reported, “Virginia congressman who helped oust former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, could be on the verge of losing his own seat. House Freedom Caucus Chair Bob Good. He’s less than a point behind his challenger, state Senator John McGuire. If I can see that right now, it’s like 342 votes, forget the point 342 votes, that is remarkable. Here now. CNN senior political analyst Mark Preston. Still a lot of votes to be counted here. Mark, what’s going on in this race?”
“Well, John, you know, we always talk about your vote really counts. Make sure you get out there and vote. This is a perfect example. What you’re seeing right now, as you noted, we have just a few hundred votes that separate these two Republicans who fought in this incredibly expensive primary race that pitted Donald Trump against the incumbent, Bob Good,” Preston began, adding:

In fact, Donald Trump went out and not only did campaign events for John McGuire, but he got his allies to do things as well. Kevin McCarthy allied himself with Donald Trump because, as you noted, Bob Good try to knock him out and was successful, helped lead the effort to knock him out as speaker. So as we speak right now, we’re still waiting to see when the votes come in. You know, John, if you had postmarked your vote, you lived in this congressional district. You postmarked your vote by Election Day. If it arrives by Friday, it is going to be counted. So I don’t think we’re going to get any resolution in this race anytime soon.
McGuire gave a victory speech on Tuesday night.