Gun Owners of America (GOA), the “only No Compromise #SecondAmendment lobby in Washington,” is seeing red over the 2024 Republican Party Platform. They’re not thrilled with what’s on it – or rather, what’s missing.
To be fair, GOA is ecstatic about J.D. Vance joining Donald Trump as his VP pick. With a perfect Second Amendment voting record since joining the U.S. Senate, Vance is the dream candidate for gun rights advocates. The GOA doesn’t think the GOP will suddenly embrace gun control, but they’re not seeing the strong pro-Second Amendment language they’ve come to expect.
Could this be an unintentionally oversight? Or a strategic move to win over soccer moms? Either way, the GOA isn’t pulling any punches, even if it means taking on former President Trump himself. They’re ready to go scorched earth to ensure the Second Amendment gets the respect it deserves.
“Our stance is very simple,” GOA national spokesperson Luis Valdes emphasized to the Washington Examiner. “We will not compromise, and we will be relentless in holding Republicans accountable to their campaign promises. Republicans campaign that they are pro-gun. We will hold their feet to the fire.”
“[The GOP] platform for the last eight years was very solid, and for that to be all scrapped and thrown away is quite perplexing and foreboding for gun owners, especially because of the past history of the Trump administration,” he added.
Valdes faulted Trump for waffling on gun control, specifically pointing out that he praised Florida’s state legislature in March 2018 for passing gun-control measures. Valdes predicted Trump and the GOP’s snub to gun rights activists in the party platform could backfire.
“The Republican Party has forsaken one of the most die-hard bases of the party,” he said.
Gun Owners of America, a Virginia-based gun rights group, has operated in the shadow of the National Rifle Association for years but has risen in rank, growing to more than 2 million members and committed to taking down lawmakers who show any sign of compromise on gun control.
It proudly pitches itself as the “no compromise” gun group and spent more than $3 million last year on lobbying efforts. It has capitalized on the NRA’s financial and legal woes and emerged as a power player in politics.
“We will continue holding any and all lawmakers accountable. It doesn’t matter if they are Republican or Democrat. GOA is not an organization that carries water for a political party. We are an organization that protects, defends, restores, and expands the Second Amendment. We don’t care if someone has an R or D next to them. We hold them the same,” the group defiantly said.
Will the RNC toughen up its stance, or will the GOA’s fiery rhetoric shake things up in the lead-up to the general election? Tell us what you think in the comments below!
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The inability of the hard right gun rights lobby will eventually be their downfall. They need to consider the possibility that full second amendment rights can be fully protected while smart action to reduce violent gun crime can be developed. It is their unwillingness to discuss ways to address gun crime that results in calls for limiting gun availability. There is no hiding the fact that we have a gun crime problem in the US. We need solutions not deaf intransigence. It’s time for them to participate in that if they really want to save the right to keep and bear arms