Youngkin’s Latest Campaign Stop? Nevada – A Presidential Early State

Governor Glenn Youngkin is in Las Vegas today sharing the message that won him his race in Virginia last year – “Parents Matter.”

Youngkin was in the Silver State this morning stumping for Republican gubernatorial nominee Joe Lombardo and headlining an “education townhall” for him.

During his remarks at the event, Youngkin first said “the spirit of doing is being lost, the spirit of delivering on promises made with promises kept is being lost, and we can not let others take that spirit from us.”

Then, Glenn hit on a major campaign point from his governor’s race last year – that liberal governments and politicians inserted themselves into citizen’s homes – via a “14 inch screen” that was pitched as the solution to a quality education – and made themselves a “co-parent” in the lives of school-age children.

Youngkin has been hitting the campaign trail hard for fellow Republicans this year, both in the Commonwealth of Virginia and in other states.

Fox News political reporter Mark Meredith highlighted the fact that Nevada – where Youngkin was today – is a presidential early state in his tweet from the event:


Republican candidates in swing states are looking toward Youngkin’s winning strategy from last fall as a blueprint on how to win races in states that may not naturally favor Republicans –  parents’ rights and education seem to be a successful sticking point to captivate voters.

Victoria Snitsar is a proud immigrant and naturalized U.S. citizen with a decade of experience in grassroots politics and community organizing.

Her writing has been featured in many online publications, including Campus Reform, The Daily Torch and The
Daily Signal.

As an undergraduate at the University of Kansas, Victoria appeared in media outlets such as CBS News, TIME Magazine, The Washington Post Magazine, The Blaze and NRATV.

Victoria is also a former NCAA D1 student-athlete and Kansas College Republicans State Chair.

After moving eleven times in six years, Victoria resides in Arlington, Virginia and enjoys going to overpriced brunch on Sundays.