The Republican Standard
- April 10, 2019
288 views 4 min

The Supreme Court’s decision in Janus v. AFSCME shows that right-to-work laws are not inherently union busting, but create an atmosphere wherein a union does not have to exist when workers are given freedom of choice. 

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- February 13, 2019
292 views 9 min

Democratic lawmakers were advised to avoid answering direct questions about sexual assault allegations against Justin Fairfax, and whether they believe his accusers, according to an email leaked by a Democratic legislator to the New York Times.

The Republican Standard
- February 4, 2019
309 views 6 min

As Republicans remain unified behind tax relief, Democrats remain committed to emptying the pockets of middle-class Virginians.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- February 3, 2019
280 views 12 min

54% of Democratic lawmakers sponsored Kathy Tran’s late term abortion bill, in addition to Governor Ralph Northam, Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax, and Attorney General Mark Herring. The bill is supported by a majority of Virginia Democrats. Here’s the list.

The Republican Standard
- January 16, 2019
271 views 5 min

Giant Food is introducing labor-saving robots to all 172 grocery stores, as Virginia lawmakers consider bills repealing the state’s Right to Work law and doubling the minimum wage. Should lawmakers raise labor costs, more stores could invest further in automation and artificial intelligence.

The Republican Standard
- January 15, 2019
301 views 6 min

Democratic Leader Filler-Corn wrongly claimed Governor Northam’s budget wasn’t paid for with $1.2 billion in higher taxes on 600,000 middle class Virginians. The Richmond Times-Dispatch’s editorial board disagreed — strongly.

The Republican Standard
- January 15, 2019
318 views 8 min

House Republicans announced a unified front behind a plan offering tax relief to 2.7 million low and middle income Virginians. The House GOP plan blocks Governor Northam’s “hidden tax increase” on 600,000 middle class taxpayers.

The Republican Standard
- January 4, 2019
352 views 4 min

Union-friendly “Democratic socialist” Lee Carter said he hopes the threat of unions closing down schools will lead to more spending. Carter, who also introduced a bill repealing Virginia’s Right to Work law, authored legislation allowing government employees to strike and walk off the job.

The Republican Standard
- December 30, 2018
273 views 5 min

Legislators will vote on repealing Right to Work during the 2019 session, beginning next month. Carter’s bill is one of several union-friendly measures lawmakers will consider.

The Republican Standard
- December 29, 2018
285 views 5 min

A seasonal worker’s $500 paycheck was reduced to $14.52 after mandatory union dues deductions in a non-Right to Work state. Seasonal employees in Virginia would face the same predicament, if Democrats succeed in repealing Virginia’s Right to Work law.