Virginia Senator Mark Warner: ‘I Don’t Believe Modern American Capitalism Is Working’

​As someone who is adamantly against conservative principles regarding firearms and supports banning assault-style weapons, is planning to reconfigure the balance of power governing the Internet and online innovation, was fervently against the confirmation of Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh, among other things, denouncing capitalism only adds to the list of why Warner should and could be beaten by a Republican in 2020.

Virginia’s 2018 Midterm Election Results

Virginians voted in races for Senate, Congress, a House of Delegates special election, a slew of local races, and two constitutional amendments on Tuesday, November 6. The results from tonight’s election will be updated following returns from the Virginia Department of Elections.

DOJ Monitoring Polling Locations In 35 U.S. Counties On Election Day, Including Virginia

Virginia’s Tenth Congressional District, a race featuring Republican Congresswoman Barbara Comstock and Democratic challenger Jennifer Wexton, is one of the areas being monitored. A list of jurisdictions from the DOJ includes many races that are pivotal battlegrounds in at least six Senate races and even more races that may decide the balance of power in the House of Representatives.

Is Comstock On The Verge Of An Amazing Win?

Virginia’s “Iron Lady” is well poised to emerge as the winner in VA-10 this Tuesday, and while most prognosticators are suggesting that there is no possible means of predicting the outcome? Comstock has shown every bit of fight and no signs of letting down, while Wexton has shifted her messaging in the final seconds of the game and is notably absent from the campaign trail.