McAuliffe Staffers Try and Fail to Get Conservative Activist Arrested

Sponsored Help Winsome Sears – Flip Virginia Red! Virginia is home to this year’s biggest, most contested political race. That means the Old Dominion is also home to campaign trackers—staffers who follow the opposing candidate hoping to record a gaffe or worse. Despite that reality, the McAuliffe campaign was none too happy to see a […]

Miyares Poised to Shatter Another Glass Ceiling for Republicans

Sponsored Help Winsome Sears – Flip Virginia Red! Republican Jason Miyares finds himself in a dead heat in the race to be Virginia’s next attorney general. Running to be the state’s first Latino attorney general is “humbling.” The challenges his immigrant mother faced stick with him today. As an assistant commonwealth’s attorney, Miyares can speak […]

Top Issue in Voters’ Minds and Early Voting Metrics Has Campaigns on Edge

In contrast to Fox News’ latest survey, a new poll by The Washington Post-Schar School shows the Virginia governor’s race within the margin of error. However, Friday’s snapshot of the race becomes more interesting when one examines the numbers closely. (RELATED: Fox News Poll Has Youngkin +8) The poll shows Terry McAuliffe leading by one-point […]

Obama Calls Parental Anger in Virginia ‘Fake Outrage’

Even Barack Obama couldn’t give a speech on behalf of Terry McAuliffe without making a critical gaffe. The former president wasted no time trying to whitewash McAuliffe’s record on parental rights in public schools. However, in doing so, he tried to gaslight Virginia’s parents. Appearing alongside McAuliffe at a campaign rally over the weekend, Obama called […]

CNU: McAuliffe +1; Democrats Panic in Final Stretch?

Once upon a time, Republicans were rocked to sleep with notions of momentum and enthusiasm in the closing weeks and days of a campaign. In 2006, George Allen was thought to have sufficiently recovered from a 20+ point slide in order to eke out a 2-3 point win — only to lose by 0.4% (just […]

New Poll Shows Dem Leads in Down-Ballot Races Virtually Nonexistent

Four earlier polls this week have all shown the same thing: a neck and neck race between Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Republican Glenn Youngkin. One from Christoper Newport University (CNU) shows Republican nominees for lieutenant governor, Winsome Sears, and attorney general, Jason Miyares, have erased the leads held by their Democratic opponents. As Portsmouth’s WAVY-TV […]