On Monday morning, President Donald Trump took to Twitter criticizing the special counsel’s handling of the investigation. The commander-in-chief is demanding that Mueller interview the “hundreds” of other campaign employees and associates involved in the 2016 election who had no contact with Russia.
Delegate Tony Wilt Appointed To House Commerce And Labor Committee
“Throughout my time in the House of Delegates I have found the committee process to be one of the most rewarding aspects of my job as it allows for a greater understanding of a wide array of issues. As a small business owner I know the importance of cultivating an environment where businesses and entrepreneurs can thrive with as little government interference as possible. The Commerce and Labor committee does important work and I look forward to getting right to work,” Delegate Tony Wilt (R-Harrisonburg) said.
Denver Riggleman Keeping Campaign Pace As Congressman-Elect
After winning in Virginia’s Fifth Congressional District, congressman-elect Denver Riggleman has continued his quick pace at freshman orientation for the 116th Congress. Although it is a lot to take in before the next session begins, he says “there’s the dinners, and all the good stuff that goes along with this honeymoon period.”
Virginia Gambling Laws And Industry Revenue To Be Considered In 2019 General Assembly Session
One area in the Commonwealth that needs extra attention insofar as state funding is concerned is public education infrastructure. Virginia has funded K-12 public education through the state lottery system, which has brought in around $9 billion, with record profits topping $600 million in 2018. If the General Assembly repeals Virginia’s existing ban on casino gambling, a potentially large coffer could be opened to fund not only higher education or K-12 education, but other areas that need vital funding – transportation infrastructure, combating the opioid epidemic, school safety measures, countering human trafficking, creating a larger law enforcement presence towards gang violence, more affordable healthcare, among many others.
President Trump Intended On Prosecuting James Comey And Hillary Clinton
President Donald Trump told White House Counsel Don McGahn months ago that he wanted to move forward with prosecuting former FBI Director James Comey and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Before his departure from the Trump Administration, McGahn warned the President of the potential political consequences of such action, including impeachment proceedings.
Tax Windfall Discussed By State Lawmakers, With Governor Northam Reconsidering GOP Legislation
Governor Ralph Northam said recently that he wants to target “spiraling healthcare costs,” as Medicaid expansion went into effect earlier this year. Interestingly, he mentioned that Senate Bill 964, introduced by State Senator Glen Sturtevant (R-Richmond), a bill the governor vetoed in May, is “certainly something we can put on the table,” going against the Democratic agenda.