LIPSMAN: Beyer Is Compromised, Vote Accordingly

I am a national security expert and have held the highest security clearances.  There is no question in my mind that Don Beyer is compromised. Let me walk you through why, and how. My opponent’s Congressional office was recently exposed as having secret ties to the Chinese government. This is beyond concerning and no time […]

BLAKELY: Messaging on Crime Could Unlock the Suburbs for Republicans

As Republicans and Democrats across the country race toward election day, pollsters, pundits, and Twitter denizens search for indicators of who will win. One major question which has loomed large over the past several election cycles is which party will win the suburbs. As Democrats continue to dominate urban areas and Republicans maintain their grip […]

HAZEKAMP: Republicans Can Win Back The 7th

Yesli Vega, our Republican nominee, is the right choice for Virginia’s 7th Congressional District. She is the woman that we know can defeat liberal Democrat Abigail Spanberger this November. With her experience as a deputy sheriff, Vega is no stranger to fighting for and defending our community every single day. She is a woman who […]

LIPSMAN: Leadership Failures = Time for Change

I recently predicted that a severe escalation of Russia’s atrocities in Ukraine was coming. Sadly, this prediction came to fruition. The last few days of increased indiscriminate shelling make that clear. Here’s the stark reality: this situation was enabled and exacerbated by the current Administration’s weak leadership on the global stage. American voters will face […]