Governor Youngkin Announces Bode Technology Investing $2 Million for Fairfax County Expansion

Governor Youngkin has announced in a press release today, that Bode Technology, a Fairfax-based leading provider of forensic services, will invest $2 million to expand its DNA testing services lab in Fairfax County to support increased customer demand.

“We are proud to have this innovative, Virginia-founded business and congratulate Bode Technology on its continued growth in Fairfax County. Biotechnology is evolving rapidly in the 21st century and leading firms like Bode help drive the Commonwealth’s position as a leader in this vital sector. We look forward to continuing to see the company’s impact and thank Bode Technology for its confidence in Virginia.” said Governor Youngkin. 

Based in Lorton community of Fairfax County, Bode Technology operates one of the most internationally respected private forensic DNA laboratories. It provides a comprehensive set of state-of-the-art forensic DNA collection products, DNA analysis services, and research services to law enforcement, the justice system, and other government agencies around the world.

“Bode Technology’s success over the past 25 years clearly demonstrates the value of Northern Virginia’s world-class higher education institutions, research assets, and skilled talent pipeline,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Caren Merrick. “This incredible company is able to tap into the Commonwealth’s high concentration of biotech workers to help agencies around the globe identify criminals, solve cold cases, and identify remains from wars and natural disasters, making our society safer and providing closure to families with lost loved ones. We salute Bode Technology’s mission and look forward to supporting its future growth.”

Bode Technology’s forensic DNA experts have assisted in identifying criminals in every state in the U.S., as well as victims of war, terrorism, crime, and natural disasters, including the 2001 attack on the World Trade Center, the conflicts in Cyprus, and the remains of U.S. soldiers dating back to World War II. Earlier this year, Bode Technology assisted the Fairfax County Police Department in identifying two victims of a suspected serial murderer dubbed the “Shopping Cart Killer.”

Mike Cariola, CEO of Bode Technology, had this to say about the announcement:

“For more than 25 years, Bode Technology has called Virginia our home, and today’s announcement is a testament to that bond.To help fight crime, we need to hire the most talented scientists in the world, and the universities in Virginia and surrounding areas have been essential to our success. Demand for our services has increased, and today we are recruiting talented scientists from across the country to join us here in Fairfax County so that we can continue our mission.”

The company will hire additional senior and entry-level laboratory technicians, information technology and engineering professionals and other business support roles, creating more than 70 new jobs. They are also being supported by the Virginia Jobs Investment Program (VJIP), which provides consultative services and funding to companies creating new jobs in order to support employee recruitment and training activities. As a business incentive supporting economic development, VJIP reduces the human resource costs of new and expanding companies. VJIP is state-funded, demonstrating Virginia’s commitment to enhancing job opportunities for citizens.

With this investment, Youngkin will not only create jobs, which was one of his campaign promises, he will also be massively expanding Virginia’s technology sector, something that could have serious growth in the future.