Jill Biden Campaigns in Must-Win Territory for Terry McAuliffe

It’s vital Terry McAuliffe wins Henrico County. With less than three weeks until Election Day, it seems increasingly likely Virginia’s affluent suburbs will choose the state’s next governor.

During the Trump era, Henrico County drifted heavily to Democrats. Joe Biden routed President Trump there by a nearly two-to-one margin. But just 16 years before, George W. Bush cruised to a nine point victory over John Kerry.

However, Democrats are worried that Glenn Youngkin has the ability to win over these same moderate voters who recently abandoned the GOP. To lessen their fears, First Lady Jill Biden traveled to the Richmond suburbs on Friday. She won’t be the last prominent Democrat to campaign on McAuliffee’s behalf there either.

The Washington Examiner explains:

Republican political strategist Shaun Kenney said the GOP has gained traction in the suburbs around major cities, such as Henrico.

“That’s where you’re seeing a lot of enthusiasm for Youngkin right now — in the suburbs that were kind of a blue wing and then went very hard blue in 2017,” Kenney said. “They’re now coming back home.”

A former executive director of the Virginia Republican Party, Kenney said the way Henrico votes in the Nov. 2 gubernatorial race could be a bellwether both for the state and for congressional races in 2022.

“If Henrico County falls into the Republican column convincingly, game over,” Kenney said. He said the same was true for Chesterfield County, south of Richmond.