POLL: Biden Losing Support Among 2020 Supporters

President Joe Biden’s plans to run for reelection have hit a major snag, as a new poll shows nearly half of his own voters don’t want him to run again.

The latest Economist/YouGov poll finds 51 percent of Americans do not want Biden to run for reelection, and only 28 percent support a reelection bid, making a 2024 campaign an unusually difficult task for an incumbent president.

Even most of Biden’s own 2020 voters don’t want to vote for him again.

Among those who said they voted for Biden in 2020 only 44 percent said they wanted Biden to run again in 2024, with 31 percent of his own voters opposed to a reelection bid and 25 percent not sure.

When asked who they would support in a 2024 Democrat primary among a field of named candidates, only 39 percent of Democrats backed Biden for renomination.

Socialist U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders was the second-leading choice at just 13 percent, with Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg the third choice at just 10 percent. Only eight percent of Democrats named incumbent Vice President Kamala Harris as their choice to be their presidential nominee.

Biden’s rock-bottom support comes even as the poll finds 48 percent of Americans disapprove of Biden’s job performance, and just 44 percent approve – which are still some of the best job approval numbers ever recorded for Biden.

But Biden’s floundering support doesn’t necessarily mean former President Donald Trump would win a rematch.

If Trump and Biden were to be their parties’ 2024 nominees, the poll found Biden would beat Trump 42 percent to 36 percent.

Opposition to a Trump 2024 was almost identical to a Biden bid, with 54 percent of Americans opposed to a Trump reelection bid and only 31 percent opposed – statistically tied with Biden’s numbers.

Trump fared only slightly better than Biden in a hypothetical primary, with 44 percent of Republicans saying they wanted to renominate him.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was the second-leading choice at 29 percent. The remaining field of presumptive candidates all struggled to find any support, with “not sure” the third-most popular response at nine percent.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of The Republican Standard. This piece originally appeared in American Liberty News

About Author

Donny Ferguson is the editor of DonnyFerguson.com.