RPV Accosts Democrats For Giving AG Herring Hypocritical ‘Hall Pass’

The national spotlight as been placed on the Commonwealth of Virginia as the Democrat-led executive branch is blanketed in sexual and racial controversy. As the governor makes his “I’m sorry” tour throughout the mainstream media, while telling “CBS This Morning” that African slaves brought to colonial Virginia “indentured servants,” the public eye has seemingly missed the Commonwealth’s chief lawyer.

Attorney General Mark Herring (D) admitted to wearing blackface to look like black rapper Kurtis Blow at a party at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville in 1980. His admission came last Wednesday after he previously called for the resignation of Governor Ralph Northam (D) for also appearing in racist photos.

Northam reportedly appeared in a photo in his 1984 Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS) yearbook either in blackface or in Ku Klux Klan robes. He first confirmed that he was in the photo – not saying which one – then backpedaled the day following at a very odd press conference, which included an attempt to “moonwalk” in front of reporters and his wife, Pam, telling him “inappropriate circumstances.”

Although the calls for Northam’s resignation are far-reaching, chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia (RPV) Jack Wilson asks: “What is the difference between Governor Northam’s blackface and AG Herring’s?”

“Both Ralph Northam and Mark Herring have admitted to wearing blackface. There is no doubt that these two took part in that racist activity,” RPV said in a news release.

“However, while the RPV remains steadfast in its call for Northam and Herring to resign, the left has seemingly given Mark Herring a hall pass,” they added.

“If this were any other elected position in the Commonwealth,” they continued, “Virginia Democrats would be rightfully calling for a resignation. The Democrats have sacrificed their morals and values for political expediency. It is a sad commentary on the state of affairs in Virginia that the Democrats would put politics and power over principle and not justifiably call for Herring to resign.”

“If there is no difference, shouldn’t Democrats call for both to resign?” RPV asks.

“It is likely that at the time of Northam’s scandal, Democrats assumed that, no matter what, they would still have a Democrat governor. Now that their stranglehold on the state government is in jeopardy, they’re backing off of Herring for political reasons,” they assert.