VPAP Outlines Where The (Kinda) Competitive Virginia House Races Are

The Virginia Public Access Project has a pretty cool infographic that puts 11 Republican House of Delegates seats “in play” by the math of cash-on-hand.

Of course, this doesn’t wipe out the massive cash advantage that the combined resources of the House Republicans have in defending their seats, three times as much as the Democrats and a $3 million gap that distances these 11 seats from any false narrative of momentum they are looking to build.

All the rest of these “advantages” are in the $1-2K range.

Another splash of cold water?  Most of these seats aren’t even close to winnable for the Democrats.  Freitas’s seat (HOD-30) is a reliable Republican seat.  Bob Marshall’s seat in HOD-13 is another reliable Republican stronghold.  Lingamfelter in HOD-31 works the district like few other members of the House of Delegates do.

There are some odd inclusions as well.  Tag Greason (HOD-32), for instance, hold a commanding $35K cash lead over his opponent.  Marshall has a $10K advantage.  Yost hold a $12K cash advantage over the truly ghoulish and sickening effort of Democrat Chris Hurst to cash in on tragedy in HOD-12.

All the rest of these “advantages” are in the $1-2K range.

Given the fact that House Republicans are sitting on a combined $4.5 million compared to the House Democrats $1.5 million, and given the additional fact that even if the Dems shoot the moon and take out all 11 of these so-called targets?

That still puts flipping the House of Delegates to the Democrats well beyond reach in a 66-seat Republican majority.  A poor investment for anyone looking to get things done in Richmond.

About Author

Shaun Kenney is the Senior Editor for The Republican Standard.