This past summer, I extensively covered the battle over gun rights in the U.S. Congress for American Liberty News.
In the wake of the Uvalde tragedy which took place in May, members of Congress currently serving on Capitol Hill were pressured to take decisive actions to prevent another such tragedy from taking place.
Over the course of several weeks, one spineless Republican after another caved to pressures from the mainstream media and gun control advocacy groups to “do something”. In the end, fifteen Republicans in the Senate and fourteen in the House chose to push a key GOP party platform plank of “protecting constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms” to the side and infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans.
This election cycle, Republicans were challenged to find candidates who will stand strong for constitutional rights, including the rights of law-abiding gun owners.
One such candidate on the ballot this Tuesday is Jen Kiggans, the Republican nominee in VA-02 (Virginia Beach, Suffolk).
A current Virginia state senator, Kiggans has a solid voting record on many issues, including gun rights. Her record of supporting the Second Amendment has earned her an A rating from both the National Rifle Association (NRA) and Gun Owners of America (GOA). VoteSmart noted that Kiggans received a 92% rating from the NRA and a 100% rating from the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL).
If you are a gun rights voter in VA-02, be sure to cast your ballot for Jen Kiggans on or before Tuesday, November 8th.