With Democrats reeling as recent polling showing Republican challenger Winsome Sears to be tied with Democrat Hala Ayala despite being outspent 2:1, news of the campaign shifting into high gear is welcome indeed.
Monmouth University shows Sears within one point of her progressive opposition, with Ayala floundering to find a message that connects with suburban voters in the wake of summer riots, Second Amendment concerns, and a Biden administration sandbagging the Democratic ticket in the wake of the Afghanistan debacle.
Tucker Davis expressed his confidence to the media in the wake of the announcement, one that has Republican observers nodding and Democratic pollsters reeling:
“Winsome Sears is in strong position to become Virginia’s next Lieutenant Governor,” Davis said in his statement provided to Virginia Scope Wednesday night. “All recent public and private polling shows her leading or within the margin of error, even before beginning any substantial advertising. The environment is shifting as voters see what one party control means in Richmond and Washington. Virginia voters are prepared to reject the far left extremism of Hala Ayala.“
Just recently, CBN did an article outlining Winsome Sears’ Christian faith and how it has helped guide her in the US Marine Corps, politics, and as a local business leader in Hampton Roads and Northern Virginia. Sears shared her own experiences looking to become a lawyer and then discovering that God had other plans:
After she left the Marines, she moved to Virginia with her husband. They got involved in a local church and were discipled. She also went to college.
“I finished my four-year degree in three years. Then I was accepted into law school,” Sears said.
It was something she dreamed of her whole life, but she couldn’t shake the feeling it wasn’t right. She decided instead to work for the Salvation Army at a homeless shelter.
“(It was the) best job I ever had, because I could see how I could bring hope into lives that needed hope,” she said.
Rare to find leadership — and openness — like this in today’s world.
Sears has retained Creative Direct as a general consultant for her campaign according to staff reports from Virginia Scope. Creative Direct is a known Republican powerhouse with an excellent track record for victory in Virginia and beyond, which is an overwhelmingly positive sign for the Republican ticket.