Governor Youngkin Announces Bode Technology Investing $2 Million for Fairfax County Expansion

Governor Youngkin has announced in a press release today, that Bode Technology, a Fairfax-based leading provider of forensic services, will invest $2 million to expand its DNA testing services lab in Fairfax County to support increased customer demand. “We are proud to have this innovative, Virginia-founded business and congratulate Bode Technology on its continued growth […]

Youngkin signs bill allowing hunting on Sundays in Virginia

As previously reported, Governor Youngkin has been on a roll, signing over 100 bills into law since he first took office. One of his more recent ones should please the hunter’s in Virginia, as it will permit hunting on Sunday, with a small catch. (RELATED: Youngkin Signs Even More Bills Into Law, Now Over 100) […]

Youngkin Signs Even More Bills Into Law, Now Over 100

In an update to the already 40 bills signed by Governor Youngkin, he has added to that list, and now has signed over 100 bills into law. Some bills were signed with little fanfare, while others had ceremonial signing events from Youngkin. Two of those include on banning a truck modification known as the “Carolina Squat” — […]

Raphael Warnock Used Millions in Federal Cash to Dismantle Atlanta Jail

In an attempt to “transition away” from the criminal justice system, U.S. Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) funneled $4 million into refurbishing a former Atlanta jail into a nonprofit diversion center. Co-managed by the Soros-funded Policing Alternatives and Diversion Initiative (PAD), the center provides police with an “alternative” to jailing suspects who are “experiencing poverty, homelessness, substance […]

Increased Police presence on I-95 due to Multi-State Initiative

Planning to drive on I-95 in Va. this weekend? Here’s why you should prepare to see extra police up and down the Interstate. Virginia will be joining a collation of states from Maine to Florida who will be participating in what police are calling a two-day “Drive to Save Lives” traffic safety initiative along the […]

More Tornados Possibly on the Way in Virginia

After a week of powerful winds that saw a tornado touch down in northern Virginia, the Storm Prediction Center warns they face a triple-whammy of strong winds, hail and potential tornadoes. (RELATED: Northern Virginia Stuck by Tornado) The latest warnings come after the region of North Carolina, Virginia and parts of Florida saw at least […]