One of the biggest factors for the most costly storm preparation in almost a decade stems from the governor’s decision to evacuate 245,000 residents from low-lying parts of Hampton Roads, the opening of two state-sponsored emergency shelters, and the mobilization of 6,000 Virginia National Guard troops.
Lawsuit Filed Against President Says Trump ‘Enemy Of Free Expression’
The PEN American Center, an advocacy group that works to defend and celebrate free expression through the advancement of literature and human rights, filed a lawsuit alleging that “official acts” undertaken by President Trump have “violated the First Amendment and his oath to uphold the Constitution.”
Speaker Kirk Cox Outlines Initiative To Build Pathway From Schools To Jobs To Bolster State Economy
Speaker of the House Kirk Cox (R-Colonial Heights) says the “build it and they will come” approach to economic development is antiquated. Instead, he writes, Virginia must be the “build strong bridges from school to jobs” state; the “prepare resilient graduates for lifelong success and service” state; the “provide an affordable pathway for everyone in a growing economy” state.
Will Economic Relief Go To More Major Companies Hurt By Tariffs?
It’s been 10 years since the infamous auto industry bailout, in which the U.S. government inserted $80 billion into the failing automotive leviathans amidst the potential loss of at least one million jobs in the industry. As Ford announces layoffs of American workers due to foreign tariffs, will there be a another bailout like farmers received months ago?
GOP Messaging Captures Political Violence From Democrats As Generic Ballot Evens
Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, who has come back into the spotlight recently, said this week that “civility can start again” after Democrats retake the majority in either House or Senate in next month’s elections. Republicans are now using this message and many others like it to keep the majority.
New Poll Shows Republican Barbara Comstock Leading Democrat Jennifer Wexton In VA-10
“There is no Democrat – including Hillary Clinton, Mark Warner, Tim Kaine, or Ralph Northam – who has ever received more voted in the 10th District than Barbara Comstock – who received 211,000 votes in 2016,” the memo from the new polls states, showing the incumbent Republican ahead four weeks before Election Day.