Fed Up Parents Sue Loudoun County School Board

A liberal school board in suburban Washington, D.C. is now being sued in federal court over an “Action Plan to Combat Systemic Racism” that reports children to officials for any speech that deviates from approved liberal ideology – even at home or after school. Represented by the Liberty Justice Center, several Loudoun County, Virginia parents […]

Pro-Life Activist Plans To Sue Biden Admin For Harassment

A pro-life activist acquitted by a Philadelphia jury on charges of allegedly obstructing an abortion center says he plans to sue the Biden administration for prosecutorial abuse. Mark Houck was arrested in an early morning paramilitary raid and faced 11 years in federal prison after he shoved a pro-abortion activist who assaulted his son. The […]

U.S. Health Care Reaches Record Lows After Decade of Obamacare

A new Gallup poll finds Americans’ satisfaction with the nation’s health care system, which had been steadily rising until 2010, has sunk to record lows over the last 12 years under Obamacare. “For the first time in Gallup’s two-decade trend, less than half of Americans are complimentary about the quality of U.S. healthcare, with 48% […]

DeSantis Handedly Wins Pro-life Straw Poll

With jockeying for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination already underway, one pro-life conservative is the overwhelming favorite among members of the nation’s largest pro-life activist groups. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was the runaway winner of the Student for Life’s National Pro-Life Summit 2024 presidential straw poll. “The Pro-Life Movement’s first ‘2024 Presidential Election Straw Poll’ votes are in! After tallying […]

POLL: Biden Losing Support Among 2020 Supporters

President Joe Biden’s plans to run for reelection have hit a major snag, as a new poll shows nearly half of his own voters don’t want him to run again. The latest Economist/YouGov poll finds 51 percent of Americans do not want Biden to run for reelection, and only 28 percent support a reelection bid, […]

Mom Sues Fairfax County Attorney Steve Descano After He Let Pedophile Go Free

A left-wing prosecutor whose election was funded by liberal billionaire George Soros is being sued by the mother of a child rape victim after he botched the case’s prosecution. It’s the latest example of a Soros-backed prosecutor showing leniency to, or fumbling the prosecution of, a pedophile, in a case that has even the rapist’s attorney questioning […]

Judge Rules in Favor Of Va. Tech Athlete Punished For Rejecting BLM

A federal judge has given the green light to a civil rights lawsuit accusing a public university of punishing an athlete for refusing to kneel in public support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Kiersten Hening, a former Virginia Tech University women’s soccer player, is suing coach Charles “Chugger” Aidair for violating her First Amendment rights, alleging he berated […]