Don’t Like CRT in Schools? Blame Richmond (and Ralph Northam).

It’s hard to turn on the news today and not find a story about Critical Race Theory in our schools. Many have written extensively about the application of this rubric to public education. Where did this newfound ‘wokeness’ originate? Did local school boards suddenly have some sort of racial epiphany, and en masse decide to […]

Preview: The Parole Board Whitewash

It’s early June, so much of official Richmond has been focused on nomination contests. But there’s another major event lurking just over the horizon that could do just as much to shape the outcome of November — the Parole Board investigation. Authorized earlier this year by a budget amendment, the Democratic-leaning law firm Nixon Peabody […]

Meet the New Democrats, Same as the Old Democrats

The buzz in the media is palpable. House Democrats have shed all their crazies and moved toward the center! The socialist is gone, as is the author of the “assault weapons” ban and the conscience clause repeal. So what do we know about their replacements? Well, one is a socialist, one supports an assault weapons […]

E Pluribus, Unum

E Pluribus Unum. “Out of many, one.” This Latin phrase has been a national motto of the U.S. since its founding. In just 13 characters, it expresses the hope of our founders that 13 distinct states could become united. From many, they would emerge as one. Our nation of immigrants has embodied this principle at […]

Virtual School, Real Failure

They call it “Zoom fatigue.” Sitting at a desk, staring at a small picture of yourself and a screen full of small boxes with pictures of other people in them. After a while, it starts to wear on one’s mind. Concentration falters, the mind wanders. In a work meeting, Zoom fatigue is par for the […]

Conservative Outsiders Line Up Behind Pete Snyder

Heritage Foundation’s Kay Coles James: “Pete’s a results-oriented problem solver who can pull Virginia out of the mess that we are currently in. I look forward to working with him to reopen our schools and rebuild Virginia’s economy.”

Northam: Not All Riots Are Created Equal

Governor Northam held a press conference on Thursday, and he had a message for those who would bring violence or riots to the Virginia Capitol. “Violence has no place here or in Washington. Free speech is a value we all hold dear, but violence is something else entirely,” he said. Violence would not be tolerated, […]