Tax Windfall Discussed By State Lawmakers, With Governor Northam Reconsidering GOP Legislation

Governor Ralph Northam said recently that he wants to target “spiraling healthcare costs,” as Medicaid expansion went into effect earlier this year. Interestingly, he mentioned that Senate Bill 964, introduced by State Senator Glen Sturtevant (R-Richmond), a bill the governor vetoed in May, is “certainly something we can put on the table,” going against the Democratic agenda.

Virginia Statehouse To Examine Defining And Taxing Tobacco Products

With Altria Group quietly pushing language in the state budget to investigate the health effects of new technology for tobacco inhalation products, the 14-member bipartisan, bicameral panel is preparing to ask the General Assembly to form a “working group” to study new products in the tobacco industry as more adolescents buy items that use liquid tobacco or liquid nicotine for “vaping,” raising concerns about companies marketing towards youths.

Republican Ian Lovejoy Announces Challenge To DSA Democrat Delegate Lee Carter In 2019

“To ensure our region’s prosperity, we must work to ease the tax burden on our families and small businesses and see to it that we get back from Richmond as much as we give. We need to build on our past successes of job creation and continue our efforts to alleviate traffic congestion, so we spend more time with family and community and less time commuting,” Republican candidate for the 50th House district Ian Lovejoy said this weekend following the launch of his 2019 General Assembly campaign.