It has been revealed that CIA Director Mike Pompeo has met with Kim Jong Un in North Korea, paving a path to the eventual Trump-Kim summit.
State Senator Jennifer Wexton shows she knows absolutely nothing about taxes when her attempts to slam the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act fails miserably.
After UN Ambassador Nikki Haley announced new sanctions on Russia after the alleged chemical attack in Syria by Assad, President Trump is holding off.
Tom Steyer’s NextGen America is using cookies and cute puppies as “voter registration” tactics that hide his subversive liberal agenda.
Following the news that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan was not seeking re-election, one GOP lawmaker claims he could be gone as early as late July.
Ahead of a contentious 2018 midterm election season, Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan will not seek re-election.
As the race for VA-10 heats up, the Democrat’s lumpen opposition fails to crack Comstock’s bulwark of political acumen and relentless work ethic.
As the march of a 1,500-strong caravan of migrants continues towards to U.S.-Mexico border, Trump doubles down on rhetoric, discusses military options.
Senator Tim Kaine kicked off his 2018 campaign claiming he needs to win the “economic argument” and takes a page out of Trump’s playbook.
As the U.S. military has suffered through sequestration, a rebuild is needed to promote “peace through strength,” according to Barbara Comstock.