The Republican Standard
- January 29, 2019
413 views 3 min

Although there are still concerns with school children suffering concussions while playing sports, Delegate Richard “Dickie” Bell has sponsored a bill set to help the health education of student-athletes and their distressed parents.

The Republican Standard
- January 28, 2019
324 views 6 min

When Republicans announced that gun control legislation from Democrats was “dead on arrival” in the 2019 General Assembly session, they were serious, very serious.

The Republican Standard
- January 24, 2019
331 views 3 min

For example, at Virginia Commonwealth University, DACA recipients living in Virginia would only have to pay $14,490 in tuition and fees, much less than the $35,798 price tag for out-of-state students. 

The Republican Standard
- January 23, 2019
331 views 2 min

As the Virginia State Senate is set to vote on legislation that would classify abusing a family pet a felony, they are setting their sights on providing the same measures against those who abuse or kill law enforcement animals.

The Republican Standard
- January 23, 2019
371 views 2 min

The legislation from Senator Bill Stanley would repeal the requirement that the driver’s license of a person convicted of any violation of the law – who fails or refuses to provide for immediate payment of fines or costs – be suspended by the state’s judicial system. 

The Republican Standard
- January 23, 2019
383 views 2 min

At least six Republican delegates would be running in districts where a majority of voters chose President Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- January 22, 2019
329 views 4 min

After last year’s distressing report of Virginia’s foster care system by JLARC, Senator Bryce Reeves’ bill would “address the issues that are critical to the care, custody, and control” of foster care children to have a “direct impact on day one.”

The Republican Standard
- January 21, 2019
355 views 2 min

With the legislation dead in the Senate, there is a minimum wage increase bill still in the Commerce and Labor Committee in the House of Delegates.

The Republican Standard
- January 21, 2019
337 views 8 min

The legislation based on the 24 priority recommendations from the Select Committee on School Safety are set to be voted on this week in the Virginia House of Delegates

The Republican Standard
- January 21, 2019
348 views 3 min

“Republicans have won the ‘framing war’ over voter ID, largely neutralizing the Democratic voter suppression frame, even among average Democrats,” a 2017 study shows.