The Republican Standard
- September 6, 2018
316 views 5 min

It is quite possible that elected Democrats have now realized the consequences of removing President Trump from office. If they lose, they face ending their careers. If they succeed, they get, arguably, the most conservative man in elected U.S. politics.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- April 23, 2018
322 views 5 min

Democrats were in hot water over a clandestine political operation undertaken in Virginia prior to last year’s election. After it was found that a PAC called NextGen America was working to bolster liberals by filing FOIAs to secure the phone numbers of voters, Governor Northam signed two bill prohibiting the action.

The Republican Standard
- April 14, 2018
328 views 6 min

Tom Steyer’s NextGen America is using cookies and cute puppies as “voter registration” tactics that hide his subversive liberal agenda.

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...
The Republican Standard
- January 12, 2018
383 views 8 min

The actions taken by Congresswoman Barbara Comstock in her years in the House have proven she is a leader whom is essential to the growth of the nation. 

Alex Lemieux is a Richmond-based editor with The Republican Standard. ...