Northern Virginia Republicans Firm On Stadium Stance: No Bullying Into Bad Deal

As GOP leaders in the 8th Congressional District and Northern Virginia, we feel compelled to stand on principle. As Republican leaders in Northern Virginia, we are deeply disappointed by Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin’s proposal to commit nearly $1.5 billion in state funds to subsidize billionaire Ted Leonsis’ relocation of the Washington Capitals and Wizards to […]

LEAHY: Haley’s Continued Candidacy Exposes Trump’s Weakness

Despite going winless in every primary held so far, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley says she intends to stay in the GOP presidential race, at least through Super Tuesday on March 5. That will provide those primary goers who cannot and will not support former President Donald Trump’s candidacy. It will also show that, […]

DAVIS: The Childcare Crisis is Here

The explosive announcement from KinderCare has brought to the fore the childcare issue that has been vexing members of our community for more than a decade. Buckle up – it’s only going to get worse. by Martin Davis, FXBG Advance KinderCare’s sudden announcement that it would shutter at the end of May has exposed publicly […]

The (Not So) Subtle Art of Giving a Care

Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men. At the risk of sounding like the (now several years-old) meme of “old man shakes fist at sky”, a recent trip through the books section in my local Target while waiting on a prescription […]

Congressional Republicans Leave Principles At The Door With Latest Asks

The federal government has a spending problem, and a gaggle of self-described fiscal hawks in the House GOP caucus want everyone to know they are dead serious about solving it. Except they really aren’t – and arguably never were – serious about federal spending. Yes, their social media bluster overspending is quite something, as seen […]