Reflecting on the Life of Conservative Satirist P.J. O’Rourke

For P.J. O’Rourke no topic was off limits. The conservative humorist repeatedly took aim at government institutions, cultural trends and even his own generation. When he thought they needed it of course. To baby boomers, O’Rourke was their generation’s Mark Twain. Others regarded him as America’s coolest conservative. Now, the author of “Parliament of Whores,” […]

Winsome Sears Gets Resourceful After Gavel Goes Missing

America’s favorite lieutenant governor, Winsome Sears showed off her characteristic resourcefulness yesterday when “an unknown prankster” hid her gavel. The imaginative Sears used one of her leather pumps to bring the Virginia Senate to order. “One shoe can change your life,” Sears remarked “Just ask Cinderella.” Resourcefulness- never underestimate it! — Winsome Earle-Sears (@WinsomeSears) […]

Crime Spikes in Vulnerable Democrats’ Congressional Districts

We all know that crime has risen nationwide, but statistics show an especially pronounced spike in swing U.S. House districts held by vulnerable Democrats. Even before the latest numbers were published, Democratic incumbents were bracing for a potentially brutal midterm election. Now, variables such as crime trends and President Biden’s spiraling approval rating signal that […]

States One Step Closer to Amending the Constitution

The Nebraska legislature has added the Cornhusker State to the list of states fighting an asymmetric war against the expansive federal government. With the news out of Lincoln, 17 states have passed a resolution calling for a convention of states. Their attempt to undo decades of government overreach is unprecedented, as Fox News’ Teny Sahakian […]

Watch Elementary School Students React When Told They Can Ditch Masks

Your feel-good video of the day comes from an elementary school in Las Vegas, Nevada. Feel the goosebumps on your arms as you watch children, no older than seven, squeal with delight after being told by their relieved teacher they no longer have to wear a mask to school. Stop what you’re doing and watch […]